Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Shitty Pickles

Alright, it’s 4:38 am and I’m a cranky ass beeyatch that is sweaty and achy from this nagging little virus and as a result REM is nowhere in my immediate future so I figured I’d embrace this time to pick a new bone. It’s been awhile huh? Yeah well I told you I suck at keeping a consistent blog! Whatev’s, lets get past this uncomfortable finger pointing because I got some new stuff for ya! I received an email yesterday evening containing the correspondence between my BFF and an online dating prospect and just felt this overwhelming need to share. I’m not sure whether she will mind or not but hey, she knows the drill. So if you’re pissed my trusty twisted polish firecracker of a friend, it fucking serves you right! It’s like handing a homeless person a Costco sized bottle of Aqua Velva and assuming he will use it to combat his obscene BO issues.

I realize I haven’t included the prior emails that led up to this titillating email from Mr. Tardster extraordinaire so you’re just gonna have to take my word for it that his response is a prime example of some dude lacking to give another human being ‘the benefit of the doubt’ and it’s obvious to me that his long list of accolades and super mega ego does not allow him the ability to sense light and flirty sarcasm. From the obvious snarling tone of his email, it’s clear he made a choice which was to interpret her words as arrogant and high maintenance. Is it really so naive to expect one to interpret online dialogue in a positive light? Or is it that I am just that incredibly naive, giving him way too much credit and that this is merely just an insecure cowardly man that resorts to word raping others for one measly fucking notch on the power struggle bed post? This reminds me of a word that I created a long time ago and I think can be applied here. (S.O your investment won’t be accredited, sorry ;)
Mr. T, you sir are in dire need of a thorough perspectomy!

per·spect·o·my - (pr-spkt-m, l-)
n. pl. per·spect·o·mies
Surgical incision into the frontal lobe of the brain to sever one or more nerve tracts, a technique formerly used to treat certain mental disorders and favorably altering, adjusting ones point of view or outlook. A complex and labour intensive remodelling of ones perspective.

Hmm, reading his email again I feel confident that no prior dialogue is really needed but if the BFF acts on my humble early morning request, I will post the whole disastrous script asap. So without further ado, Mr. T the magnificent!

MR.T - I don't want to rush and judge you... That's not fair. You could be the best catch and you are just fed up with the dating world. Maybe you just didn't articulate what you are really about.

ESMERELDA BELLE - Well GAAAAAWWWLIE! Thank ya kind sir for all da help in artamaticulatin what eyez is allz aboot! Aww shucks Mr. T, I shure do apreshiate you not a’rushin to judge me or anyfin. Feelz gud you are given me the gud ole callege try.

MR.T - But if you are serious. Hahahahahahahaha Then that's funny.. You want a guy that's good looking, stylish and successful and you want him to Woo you. Hahahahahhahaha These guys don't wooo chicks. They go after the $$$$ and women come to them. And if you are so fine of a female and so desirable then men should be already doing this for you.. I know lot's of guys like this and they only do things for their woman after the woman has proven her worth.

ESMERELDA BELLE - You shure is a happy guy Mr. T with all that ha ha'ing n stuff. I'm so glad I gotz positive vibes that yer so kindly ashoot'in ma way. You iz really wize too and I promise that the wizdom yer wurds carry won ever be in vane, kross ma hart n hope 2 die. I s'pose Iz haf to git me one of dem apreashiation certifikets dat showz how much Im worth. Y'all no were I can git me one?

MR.T - So which one is it... Do you live in la la land and are looking for a guy to tell you a fable or are you a down to earth woman that's ready to meet someone special.

Insert big sigh... right... fucking... here.
Your idea of reality seems really depressing Mr. T. No wonder you're so offensively passive aggressive and tearing a second asshole into some random chick on the internet. You're such a huge fucking grumpy pants from the Straub's that was so violently rammed up your ass, you'll never escape the scent of shitty pickles.

On the BFF's and my behalf, please accept our humble and sincere apologies and know that although poorly shown in the BFF's prior correspondence, we assure you that we are kind and generous humanitarians and are quite embarrassed to have offended someone battling such a debilitating handicap.
Also, judging by your cryptic ‘T’, I assume your given name is one that is incredibly unique to you and only you and that you wish to remain anonymous. However, I’ve compiled a few names that I came up with because I just love these quirky little puzzles and couldn’t resist deciphering your clever and oh so challenging code. Maybe you’re one of them cutting edge peeps and instead of using the name on your birth certificate, you use an adjective, noun or verb! A’int I fucking brilliant! I’m already well on my way to cracking your clever little code! WOOT ME!

(This ESMERELDA BELLE PWT character is really adorable don’t you think?)
So, ummm, I hope ya done mine, I wuz kinda cureous wat the 'T' stood fer so I came up wit a coupel. Writ me back on which one it iz will ya? Thanks! Yer a champ!

Turdbucket, Transparent, Twatt, Turd Burgler, Tit, Taco Paco, Testiclees, Teenytesties, Testiculanus, Testicularly Challenged, Teletubby, Turdmeister, Thizznfizz, Tuckenfit, TouretteTodd, TechnoTyler, TepidTampon, TeabagLess, TittyFuckLess

Or maybe I’m way off base and it’s just…

Tony - (Trans-Am, Mullet and Mamma’s number on speed dial although totally unnecessary since he only need venture up the stairs)

This should be a lesson to you Mr.T, however I highly doubt that was the result. See, there I go with the glass is half full scenario again! Ain't I just a ray of fucking sunshine!
So remember this Mr. Twatster, never, ever end a text raping that’s so incredibly open to individual interpretation, especially when it's one as epic fail as yours. That will most likely lead to creative assumptions that shift the scale to the others favour.


  1. The fact that I actually found a shitty pickle on the net is pretty disturbing.

  2. This is Mr. T,
    Hahahahahahahahahahhaa LMAO all the way.. I would have never guessed that contacting a girl on a dating site would be featured in a blog. I'm flattered to say the least. I love the way you write, your sarcastic tone is amazing and you know just how to deliver a blow in an intelligent way. I'm not sure how I came off as passive aggressive but if I did I'm sincerely sorry. I assure you I'm far from being that guy. You gave me some nice shots below the belt. Buy Hey!!! That's cool.. I'm a big boy and can take it. I actually found it very funny.. Yes, I can laugh at myself and NOOOO my ego is not that big. LOL

    But seriously, you should post her profile on your blog and invite 50 Davids to read it and say their opinion on your BFF. You can't blame a guy for interpreting it the way I did. Of course, my approach could have used improvement.. I fully admit it. As a single guy in the dating world I've had my share of horrible women and I might have categorized your BFF as one of them. I believe that was wrong of me. Again, I'm sorry.
    I'm sure as women you have your own frustrations with us men. At the same time I've met amazing women also. I'm grateful for that.

    What did I learn today.. I learned that the girl I contacted has a really cool intelligent friend who cares allot about her. I respect that and I think good women stick together for the most part. I just have a feeling we would all really get along and have lots of laughs. I have a very similar sense of humor to yours. It would be a pleasure to meet you both one day and have some drinks, maybe vodka shots also. Well, again, it would be my honor if you would agree.

    Please tell your BFF that I'm sorry if I had offended and upset her. It was never my intention to do so.

    Mr. T

    LOL... Okay this is the hilarious part. My name is actually Tony.. Hahahhaha I laughed my head off when you guessed my name. RESPECT!! But I'm not Italian, I own my own house, drive an SUV and am gainfully employed. I dress well too. I just sign Mr. T because it's quick.

    Cheers Ladies...

  3. I say the both of you should meet up with Tony and put up an account of it on here. Hella Fun (for the readers, at least - LOL)

  4. Despite the risk of incurring your wrath, I'll offer up my opinion, BOTH seemed a little passive aggressive and negative, (why does wanting to meet someone have to be so difficult?) although I might be missing something from not having read the entire conversation.

    When he referred to himself as "someone special", my gag reflex twitched.

  5. So It's Mr. Tony again.
    Anyway... I spoke with Ewa (the BFF) over chat and she came me a phone number that doesn't work and then closed her dating account.
    This I don't understand at all. Why even bother giving the number????

  6. That's gave... sorry for the typo

  7. I have no fkn clue why that happened either. If you want, I'll shoot you an update when I talk with her. Giving fake numbers is totally lame lol:P

  8. lol, Seems Mr. T may have jumped to conclusions! When he heard a males voicefor her voice mail box message,(Her brother to deter current psycho stalker dude that was bothering her at the time) instead of leaving a message he assumed she gave him the wrong number and didn't bother.
