Monday, January 3, 2011

December 31, 2010 New Years Rant

New Years Eve pity buzz write up.

“In my own words” Ah well, whose words would they be anyway? Do people actually plagiarize this crap/stuff/important intense personal background writeups? (my one and only pitiful attempt at gratuitous political correctness) So where would one acquire a ‘good profile example’ and how does one make that distinction in the first place?
Wait, I’ll be right back... I’m going to peruse the female 40 somethings and see what they have to say......
ACKKKKKKKK!! If I wasn’t me I’d be speechless. Really, I’m ... I dunno ... sad. Is that the feeling? Sadness, defeat, pity, what is this feeling? No wonder we can't seem to find that special someone that rocks our world and sets a fire under our asses, we're all full of SH&T!
Sigh, I’ll be right back again, I need to hug my dog. Hugging my dog always seems to keep the vomit from creeping up and calm those scary monsters. Wow that previous sentence was pretty cheesy huh. Shaddup, this is my profile and I’ll write what I want ;) I’ve gotten no interest so far so there’s no worry I’d offend the 2 dudes that glanced my page in the last bazillion years. My friend says “Diane, you need to put a photo up!” Yes, that’s my name. Wooooo, the cats outta the bag. How many unstable, nutbar girls named Diane on the planet! I’m sure I’m safe... for now. Maybe not, whatever pfft.

I used to write stuff here for others, I suppose to entice and stand out from the rest? Now I’m finding that I’m writing this mostly just to amuse myself. And what's with the pictures I've seen on here for the past .. ohhhh... 6+ years. The same friggin photos! Seriously, you guy in the blue convertible, yeah you know who you are ;) wink wink... that photo is at least 6 years old! And I use the words ‘at least’ with great emphasis. Yes, I know, that means I've been coming back here for years. Yep, it's sad, I know and I’m completely at peace with that so bugger off (I’ve got a steady lol’ing going on now). Okay, so this is how it goes, I meet 'him' and date him for about a year or so and then some icky back and forth for a couple months and then, it's done in about 2. So basically I average every two years ... or so, give or take. Sometimes sooner if I screw up or sometimes he screws up. Either way, it's screwed. There I go amusing myself again. Holy sh*t this is fun, I should have done this a long time ago. Instead I wait till New Years Eve while mildly buzzing and incessantly typing about crap you couldn't care less about and feeling sorry for myself. Well, not entirely, it definitely is better than being out on the town with some a-hole and I have to cover my bill which is seriously inflated due to New Years, just so I don’t feel ALONE.

Ya know what? I've always had difficulty writing stuff here and now I find myself worried I'm gonna run outta space. Yes, yes, I know.. .OUTTA AIN'T A WORD. I used it to sound casual and easy going, why? Not a clue. I'm also finding it incredibly difficult not to swear here because truthfully I swear more than a sh*t faced sailor yet if you saw me in person with my mouth shut (which although hard to believe, does happen more often than you may think), you'd never guess I'd speak so ... umm trashy. No feathered bleached hair, blue eye shadow, pwt here. Ha, look at me typing as though you give a sh*t what I ramble about. I now fall into that category of being one of those self absorbed people that think others are interested in reading their blog and scanning the thousands of photo's from their hundredth trip to Cuba, Rest assured, I've been to most European countries as that newly divorced woman with intentions of taking over the world with that idealistic second chance, reborn woman sorta kitch. Oh and a brief bout in Florida for a Disneyworld experience when I was 11, but Cuba, never been.
I need another Caesar so I’ll be back in a bit to add to this ongoing sad “IN MY OWN WORDS” Solo New Years Eve rant.
Advice to y’all if you’re interested that is lol. Pour yourself your favourite drink, take a couple hauls off the magic pipe, watch some Hilarious House Of Frightenstein reruns and munch on some of those yummy new flavoured Goldfish crackers. Crunchy = Goodness. Substitutions are always good too ;)

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