Thursday, January 13, 2011

I whip ma hair back n forth!

Alright, another blurb written from off the Trypolar Main Command Centre. Mission & location - Top Secret. What I can divulge is that it involves an ancient treadmill from which the terrain is of the most severe I have encountered. Here I trudge, and I ask myself “Self, is this worth it” in which the bitch replies “Shaddup and keep trudging fatso”. So I keep note of this important mission with shaking pen in hand and a crumpled piece of paper on the dashboard in hopes that one day when my predecessors struggle and waver as I have and desperately question to go on and endure the pain, they will heed my agonizing yet inspirational words and push through towards their own victory.

Wow, what a mess this piece of paper is, it’s pretty sad. Ghetto gym guy handed me a 4X6 form of some sort so I had to write around a pre form questionnaire of some mundane government waiver bullshit. Once I was finished my 45 minutes of excruciating torture I carefully inspected the scribbled mess. Let me tell you, I had a hard time decoding my own scribble. Way to go DiAne for staying within the Russian spy character. Is this what they call method acting?

That’s rhetorical MRACTORDUDE. Oh great, now I’m going to get a shitload of emails on POF correcting me of what method acting actually is. Save the wear & tear on your keyboards drama dudes. The condescending stuff you keep sending is starting to get on my fucking nerves. I’m a patient and humble woman but I’m just not in the mood to feed your starving egos anymore. Oh and stop trying to save me! I know smoking, pills and pot aren’t good for me. As said before, I’m fucking loopy not stupid. Some nobody that messages me saying “Smoking that stuff is so bad for you. You’re such a pretty girl that it’s a terrible shame you choose to go down this self destructive road. It's so unattractive”. You sir can BITE ME. Yes I’m a little miffed? Is that a word? Lemmie check.... Yep sure is lol.
miff |mɪf|
verb [ trans. ] (usu. be miffed) informal
annoy : she was slightly miffed at not being invited.

Well, maybe she wasn’t invited because she was always miffed? Just another thought amongst many. It’s close to muff huh. She was slightly miffed at not being invited due to her always being miffed which in turn caused a miffed muff.
Hey DiAne?
Yeah DiAne?
You’re fucked!
Same to you!
OH, I’m also having major problems getting a good playlist for when I workout so if you have any suggestions, fire em off. Everything up beat is incredibly icky and I tend to squint real bad because it physically hurts my ears and I end up with a splitting headache. I’m not the typical top 40 listener since it’s constantly rammed into my virginal ears on a regular basis whether at the gym, the mall etc. and that crap makes my ears bleed from it's repetitive soulless (for lack of a better word) music. What I don’t understand is why the masses don’t ask more of their music? Hey, I know art is subjective, everyone has different tastes but that shit below.. REALLY??? C’mon!!!! Am I one of those old fuckers that is bitching about the music these days or is my protest legitimate? Please tell me there is something I’m missing here, PLEASE I BEG YOU. I want to understand, please help this old fart understand why “I whip my hair back and forth” 3 gazillion times is .. well good music!
Hit play at your own risk.
And yes I'm bagging on a little kid, YES I AM. I would have thought her mom & dad would have steered her into a better direction, am I evil for thinking this?


  1. I think I like this song -Your BFF

  2. But why??????
    Essssplain oh wise bffne

  3. Try this,,,,,trust me, the world will instantly seem like a better place to be,,,

  4. What kind of music are you into? The noise coming from the video you posted above is not music. Like you said, art is subjective but within limits.

    If this isn't great music, at least the lyrics are....:)


  5. If you saw the entire smith/pinkett clan on BET you would have seen two parents who seem to want nothing more than for their children to be famous. There will be more mediocre movies, bad sitcoms, and horrible music to endure, till we get to the good stuff - celebrity rehab, DWI/ drug charges and leaked sex tapes. Isn't that what usually happens to kids who grow up in the limelight?
